Hola Fea!

A few years ago, I took my first solo holiday to Barcelona , Spain. I booked a hostel in the centre for 5 nights and 6 days. I had studied Spanish at school so it was the smartest foreign-to-me place to go for the first time on my own. On the second or third dayContinue reading “Hola Fea!”

Black Joy Photography

I’ve done quite a few photoshoots over the past few years and taking my camera out to BLM protests. With all of the BLM last year and overload of information about inequality, I found myself really seeing a very pinhole view of Black Lives. Even the new categories on t.v streaming sites, I felt IContinue reading “Black Joy Photography”

Experimenting with creating videos and music on phones. In collaboration with Sam Rogers and Dongjie Wei.

For my Birthday, which was in January, even though it was freezing out, I wanted to do something active and outdoors. I’d recently gobbled down the Task Master boxsets on All4 and loved the idea of recreating some of the tasks with my friends. I asked Sam, a fellow lover of Task Master, to thinkContinue reading “Experimenting with creating videos and music on phones. In collaboration with Sam Rogers and Dongjie Wei.”

Making Music with Nelson Navarro and experimental video production

If you’ve been following me on my creative journey, you might know I have done quite a bit of creative trade work with local musician, DJ, producer and radio presenter Nelson Navarro. Our first collaboration was when Nelson modelled for one of Black Brighton shoots. From that point he became my DJ teacher (always wantingContinue reading “Making Music with Nelson Navarro and experimental video production”